10 Wrong Vacuum Uses that Damage It: How to Avoid

Last updated on July 1st, 2022

Vacuums are useful for cleaning, such as to clean the carpet or hardwood flooring and other floors. Some popular vacuums are stick or canister vacuums. However, it would be best if you used a vacuum for what it is specifically designed. The following are some wrong vacuum uses that damage it.

10 Wrong Uses of Vacuum

Here are some objects that you should never vacuum:

1. Large glass pieces

Let it be small glasses, but these are equally dangerous for your vacuum because they can puncture the vacuum bag and clog the machine. If you have already done this, chances are your vacuum will never be the same, and you might as well buy a new one.

Large glass pieces

What to do instead

If you want to vacuum up large glass pieces, make sure you do it slowly so that the Glass will not puncture the bag. Also, be extra careful not to drop the vacuum so the Glass will not break inside the machine.

The Glass is usually heavier, and a vacuum isn’t a good idea.

2. Wet spills

Do not vacuum up wet spills because they can damage the machine. The water can rust the vacuum parts, which will shorten their lifespan.

Wet spills

What to do instead

If you have spilled something on the floor, using a wet/dry vacuum cleaner is best to suck up the liquid. If you don’t have one, you can blot the area with a clean cloth or sponge to soak up the spill before vacuuming.

Think about it, why would you want an electric device to interfere with water.

3. String or hair

String and hair can be difficult to vacuum up, and they can also damage the machine. The string can get tangled in the parts of the vacuum, and this can cause the vacuum to overheat. The hair can also clog the vacuum, reducing its suction power.

What to do instead

If you want to vacuum up string or hair, you can use the attachment tools with most vacuums. These attachments can help you vacuum up these materials without damaging the machine. You can also try using a lint brush to remove string or hair from your vacuum.

The hair definitely will clog the machine.

4. Ashes

Ashes should never be vacuumed up because these can damage the motor of the vacuum. The ashes can get into the parts of the vacuum, and this can cause the vacuum to overheat.


What to do instead

If you have ashes on the floor, use a broom to sweep them up. Be sure to dispose of the ashes safely, such as in a metal container with a lid.

5. Pet hair

They may be cute, but their hair will not only clog your vacuum but will also shorten its life span. Pet hair can quickly build up inside the vacuum and cause it to overheat. The hair can also tangle around the vacuum parts, which will damage the machine.

Pet hair

What to do instead

Invest in a good pet hair brush and brush your pet regularly. This will help reduce the hair they shed and make your vacuum cleaner last longer.

But if you insist on using one, you should find a pet-friendly vacuum.

6. Sticky substances

Whether it is gum or candy, these will not only clog your vacuum but can also damage the blades. The sticky substances can cause the blades to become dull, reducing the vacuum’s suction power.

Sticky substances

What to do instead

Suppose you happen to use a vacuum of such substances. A putty knife is the best way to remove sticky substances from your vacuum. First, scrape off as much of the substance as possible. Then, use the putty knife to pry the substance away from the blades gently. Finally, wipe the blades clean with a cloth.

So it would be best if you didn’t let the sticky substances stick to your machine.

7. Wet floors

It would be best never to vacuum a wet floor as this can damage the motor. The water can seep into the electrical parts of the vacuum, and this will cause the vacuum to short circuit.

Wet floors

What to do instead

The best way to clean a wet floor is to use a mop. If you don’t have a mop, use a towel or rags. Make sure that the floor is completely dry before you start vacuuming. Another way is to clean with a wet-dry vacuum.

8. Metal shavings

These can easily damage the blades of your vacuum, so it is best to avoid them altogether. Metal shavings can also clog the vacuum, reducing its suction power.

Metal shavings

What to do instead

Use a dustpan and brush to sweep up metal shavings. You can also use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap them.

9. Fine powder

WFinepowders can clog your vacuum and damage the motor., whether flour or sugar. If you vacuum them, do so with a brush attachment.

What to do instead

If you spill flour or sugar, sweep it up with a broom. You might need a wet/dry vac if the mess is big. But be sure to empty the vacuum immediately after using it on these materials.

10. Paperclips or Coins

It would be best to never use the vacuum for paperclips or coins because they can damage the blades or get caught in the rollers.

Paperclips or Coins

What to do instead

Use a dustpan and brush to carry paper clips or coins. You can also use a magnet to pick them up if they are too small to see.

Things to be Extra Careful about:

  1. Never put your hand inside the vacuum while it is running.
  2. Be careful not to vacuum over cords or wires as this can damage the cable or wire and cause a fire.
  3. Do not use your vacuum on flammable materials such as gasoline or oil. This can cause a fire.
  4. If your vacuum has a bag, be sure to change it regularly. A full bag can cause the vacuum to overheat and damage the motor.
  5. Do not use your vacuum on wet floors as this can damage the motor.
  6. Be careful not to vacuum up metal shavings as this can damage the blades.
  7. Do not use your vacuum on the Glass as this can damage the machine.

What are Vacuums Usually Designed For?

Vacuums are designed to clean carpets, hardwood floors, upholstery, and draperies. They also remove pet hair, dust, and dirt from surfaces. Many vacuums also come with attachments that can be used to clean crevices, stairs, and other hard-to-reach areas.

So you should use these right.

Summary About this Article:

In this article, we discussed 10 Wrong Vacuum Uses that Damage It: How to Avoid. These include vacuuming wet floors and using it on Glass, metal shavings, and fine powder. We also briefly discussed what vacuums are usually designed for. Be sure to use your vacuum properly to avoid damaging it. Thanks for reading this article.

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